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Chapter 9
What's Next?
iSimplePlug Documentation

Well, I would say that I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, but I have a feeling that by now your brain probably hurts too much--and you think I'm far too verbose--to be having fun. So, instead, I'll say that I hope you learned a lot from this tutorial.

Of course, this is just the beginning. There is still a lot to know about making plugins. Indeed, if you recall, I said this was only a simple plugin.

Oh, now, don't grumble. It may have seemed a lot with all there was to read, but in actuality you wrote just a small bit of code. Furthermore, now that you understand it (I hope), doing it again should be a snap.

Anyway, once your brain thaws, you'll probably be interested in learning more. So where should you go?

If I were you, I would start by reading the appendices that came with this tutorial. They discuss several subjects that would be of interest to anyone making plugins.

I would also suggest browsing through the source for some of the available plugins, as well as through the source for the ITPluginclass. Oh, and the list of constants in ITNotificationKeys, in the base iTonamaton source, is a good place to find all the notifications and user info dictionary keys that exist.

At this time, there are no other tutorials or documentation available, however I hope to see/make some reference materials for the full features of the iTonamaton plugin API in the not so distant future.

Before leaving you, I want to encourage you to become active in the iTonamaton community. New programmers are invited to take part in the community. To find out how, see the contacts page.

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Last Modified: $Date: 2003/12/16 01:29:33 $ by $Author: paploo $